Justice League Sex Story: "Birthday Wishes – Chapter 1"

SGR:Hiya ppls. Welcome to another SGR fanfic.

Odd:SGR does not own Code Lyoko or any of its characters.

SGR:I hope you like this story. Its a one-shot UxY.


Yumicould have told you that her birthday was the best ever, but shewould be lying. Nothing good came of the Japanese girls specialday.

Takeout your pencils, today is a surprise test, Mrs. Hertz said.

Youhave to be kidding me! I havent been able to study for weeksbecause of XANA!Yumi thought to herself depressingly. Reluctantly, she got out herpencil and braced herself.


Thatmust have been the hardest test in the history of hard tests! Yumideclared to William as they left the science building and startedwalking toward the cafeteria.

Ohcome on, it wasnt that bad, William replied.

Itis if you havent studied for weeks and youve been skippingclasses for important reasons!

Whyhavent you been studying? William asked.

Youreone to talk! You never study! Yumi managed to say through herchuckling at Williams study question.

Yeah,but you usually do.

Ivebeen busy, okay, Yumi stated, My friends and I have importantconnections. Especially during these past few days. And it wastrue. XANA hadnt left the Lyoko Warriors alone for weeks.


Iam so tired! Odd declared.

Hey,you think youretired?! I havent been able to sleep ever since I lost myearplugs, Ulrich cried.

Whatearplugs? Odd asked.

Justthen n, Yumi sat down next to Jeremie who looked like he was about tofall out of the chair and sleep on the floor.

Thisis so lame! We had a surprise test in Mrs. Hertz class and I haventstudying lately because of all those XANA attacks.

Theonly person who didnt look tired was Aelita. She was wide awake.This was probably due to the fact that every one of XANAs recentattacks involved the Scyphozoa trying to steal her memory.

Unfortunatelyfor the warriors, they heard a familiar beeping noise coming fromJeremies lap top.

Youhave got to be kidding me! Yumi cried.

Youknow, Yumi, youre the one who chose to follow us to the factorywhen we first met. If you hadnt, youd have perfect grades!Odd said, half jokingly, half serious.

YOUREONE TO TALK ABOUT BAD GRADES!!! Yumi yelled suddenly, I WISHID NEVER MET YOU!! With that, she stormed off.

NiceOdd, Ulrich said sarcastically.

W-whathappened? Jeremie said, waking from his nap at the noise ofsomeone yelling.

Yumigot mad at Odd and she stormed off. Aelita explained.


Iwish Id never met any of them! Now XANA will attack me even if Iquit being a Lyoko Warrior!Yumi thought as she paced around the courtyard. THISHAS GOT TO BE THE WORST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!


Yumiturned around to see Odd standing next to her.

Whatdo you want?

Imsorry I said that. I was only kidding. I didnt mean to ruin yourbirthday.

Yumistood up straight. Odd had actually remembered her birthday.

Iforgot to tell you this morning, but Happy Birthday.

Heactually said Happy Birthday.

Yourenot the one who ruined it! It was XANA! And that stupid surprisetest! Yumi cried. And she ran off. This time, to the factory.

Nicegoing Odd. You made her cry again, Ulrich said, walking up to Odd.

NoI didnt! Odd defended.

Ulrichran after Yumi. When he saw her get inside the elevator at thefactory, he quickly ran inside.

Whyare you here? Yumi asked in that tone of voice where someonedoesnt actually want you to be with them.

Icame to comfort you. Im sorry about what Odd said. Im sorryyour birthday has been horrible. But it will get better, Ulrichsaid.

Howdo you know whether it can get bett Yumi was cut off with akiss. A kiss

fromUlrich. She stared at him wide-eyed until she finally decided to kissback.

Justthen, the elevator opened to reveal Jeremie, Aelita and Odd standingthere. They stared at Yumi and Ulrich as they kissed. and Yumi andUlrich didnt notice.

HappyBirthday Yumi, Ulrich said.

SGR:THE END!!! Im not good at writing one-shots, but this is all I canthink of. Ill probably do an OxA one-shot soon.


SGR:Please review! XD

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